When you come face to face with danger, at that split moment you think only about yourself. How your life has been. What you have done What you have not done What you may never do You sweat, because every organ is overworking. You want to cry You actually cry You want to hide, because you feel naked. You scream, because the string of life is suddenly so thin so that you don't even know how long it will withstand the tension that the danger brings. Last year (2017), at a time like now, Nairobi was fear gripped. A repeat presidential election had been concluded a few days ago. The opposition which had boycotted the poll was hot angry together with a whole chunk of their supporters. Vegetables were expensive. It was difficult to get roast maize anywhere along Gitanga Road. A finger with or without a mark of indelible ink meant green or red depending on where the path led you to. A wide path could suddenly become as narrow as a squirrel path. Human ...