Growing up near Mwaluganje, I had many tales regarding kifaru the Rhino. I have seen women who still carry the scars of rhino attacks because they happened to be at the river at the wrong time. All over the world, the big five are at increased risk of extinction. Who is responsible for this? Human beings and their greedy ways are. The death of Sudan, this week, which was the only male northern white rhino is the highest pointer that efforts to conserve animal species has not been very successful. There are people perhaps who compromise the systems that protect flora and fauna and occasion long lasting damage. We at the Konversant, we recommend that wildlife be treated like any other asset. How about conducting census in the wild on regular basis and these numbers be followed up for accountability? If a new manager comes to Masai Mara, does she/he get handed over the animals as we do in other ...look here " we have 10k antelopes, 5k lizards, 2k rhino...