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Why Kenya should stay on in Somalia. Raila will be blamed in 2022. What Algerians yearn For

Kenya withdraws troops from Somalia?
There is no definite communication from Kenyan authorities regarding this
matter. It means therefore (because it has been talked about) that Kenya’s stay
 in Somalia remains shrouded in grey as it has been for more than a decade now.
General populace appear to be in favour of withdrawal of the forces for a whole
 lot of time now. but government and regional organizations have been reluctant to follow
this path. It can be remembered that Kenya withdrew its troops from
South Sudan in a dramatic way, it will not be of surprise if at some point such
happens again. If it does, it will signify defeat of African effort to curb Al shabaab
extremism. Indeed any laxity on AMISOM’s part will be a major boost for bad elements.

Hunger in some parts of Kenya
Even though some political heavyweights have expressed contrary views,
there is reliable reactions from local residents of Baringo and Turkana
that indicate that drought has brought hunger , suffering and possibly, deaths.
These are real and unnecesary problems that are facing citizens in many parts of Africa.
Kenya for instance runs a three trillion annual budget  yet  it’s citizens are
faced with starvation each year. There seems to be lack of adequate planning
and monitoring  of resources distribution and utilization.
County assemblies must also share the blame. The assemblies were created
so as to ensure devolved governance does not lack oversight at all times.
County governments are expected to give high priority to food and Medicare.
As usual, nobody will take responsibility for such horrible failures.

Impeachment of Deputy President  William Ruto…
There was a general perception during the campaigns of 2017 that the opposition
had the brains while the  ruling party had the strategy. This continues to manifest itself
in many folds. It is a white lie that only one person, or a singular group of people is
draining  public resources through corrupt deals. The all out effort to impede Ruto’s
rise to presidency in 2022 has reached stupor levels. It is laughable.
If such efforts were directed towards true Kenyan causes such electoral justice
or  medicare for all, the nation would be transformed.
One also wonders why the senate has been reluctant to reprimand the head of state,
who is obviously presiding over an enterprise which is impoverishing Kenyans?
Does it occur to patriotic minds that if the president’s close associates are implicated in graft,
that he will have no option but leave as well?
ODM is laughing at itself. A needless disservice. The misfortune of “another” may befall
them at a future date. By the way they have been betrayed before and they know how
nasty it feels. By attacking Ruto, Raila Odinga has set himself as the perfect scapegoat
for blame if the former’s ambitions flop.

Fake money…
Nobody should be surprised that there is increased movement of fake currencies
in Kenya. This is a blistering symptom of  high corruption. The daring nature of the
dealers  shows that they have colonized quite a number of vital institutions. There is
no doubt that they enjoy high level comfort  from their prominent networks.
Because of new impetus at the office of public prosecutions, there could be a new trend
where by corrupt networks  hold hard cash in hideous places so as to confuse the foot print
of money.  Kenyan banks have participated in great detail in corrupt dealings.
The recent penalizing of several banks has made it difficult for looters to hide
their loads.  Fake money has somehow replaced narcotics as the “big thing”.
There is also the issue of whether truly the billions reported are truly fake or not.

As many African countries that have had the same president for along time,
Algeria faces political and economic crisis at the same time.
It is this situation that appears to bring Algerians to the streets.
Algeria is the foremost country in the Maghreb.
Its stability is crucial to peace in that region.
Algerians want to hear one thing only.

AMISOM forces engaging in Humantarian work  near Baidoa/


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